
HR Software that Improves the employee experience.

HR Software that Improves the Employee Experience and Drives Business Results.

Secure login

Log in safely and securely with the username and password provided by your employer.

Everything in one place

Get a complete overview of your employees, including finance, salary, and other add-ons all in one place.

Core HR

Automate essential HR processes, create transparency with accessible modules, and maintain centralized storage.

Time and attendance

Setup company attendance policies, track and approve both paid and unpaid time off, and register time spent on other work-related activities through a Employee Self Service portal.

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Highly Creative Soultions

BoVi HR allows you to handle most business transactions all in one single system.

Why Use BoVi HR Solution?

Track Employees

Stay aware of how many employees work for the company/department, what roles are occupied.

Enhanced analytics

Create different types of reports or dashboards, adjust them according to your personalized business needs.

Payroll made E-Z

Allow employees to print and view their payslips. Setup an unlimited number of additions or deductions

Integrated Attendance, HR & Payroll

BoVi HR solutions give HR teams a new advantage over past approaches.

Employee self service

Increase employee engagement, create ownership, save time / costs, and improve collaboration with Employee Self Service (ESS) and Manager Self Service (MSS) portals.


Empower and engage high performers by setting clear goals and streamlining employee appraisal and feedback processes. Focus on productivity, creating a thriving company culture.

Try Our Free 7-Day Trial Today

Our Free Trial for 7-days Today

Spend less time scheduling and more time investing in your team and business.

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